Tuesday, February 5, 2008

People and dates

It was my parent’s anniversary the other day; till a year back it was one of the most looked forward to dates however this year the matrixes had changed… Frankly speaking I hardly remembered it, when I spoke to my mom she was talking about the years gone by and I felt really guilty.

I had promised them a vacation tour on the occasion of their 25th anniversary, but now there was hardly any meaning left to it. After the phone call, I was thinking, was it correct that I should feel guilty? Is there a reason? The dates were memorable coz of the people, as it meant the world to people I loved.

If the meanings of those dates have changed for the very people or they are meaningless as the very people are not around, is there a point clinging to them.
The people or their very existence in my life would never change; they were and are my pillars of strengths.
For me these dates don’t matter, as I have realized that Life is very unpredictable. You never know if you would get another chance to tell them how much they matter to you.