Friday, February 22, 2008

Arranged Marriages- There’s hardly anything simple about it! -4


Some girls might agree immediately, some after weighing the pro’s and con’s and if the agreement is mutual then there is another arrange marriage happening.

Some don’t agree, some not sure about what they want while some being absolutely sure of what they want and not ready to compromise on any factor. Then the whole process continues till they finally find a match, that could happen in just first meeting and for some it might mean following the procedure a 1000 times.

Marriage is a personal matter and it is the sole responsibility of the individual – however choosing a life partner is not only about happily ever after. It is about living, sharing, thinking, discussing and also adjusting at the same level. Having rational expectations and understanding the difficulties the other person might face while trying to fulfill those expectations. It is not only about long hours of chats and cuddly messages but also about occasional arguments and understanding. It is also about accepting & sharing responsibilities. It is also about letting the other person be as they are.

Marriage is a confluence of two distinct individuals who will be enriching each other by being together. If this is understood then the whole process can be so simplified.


Neha said...

click on the post to follow the whole thread/series in Chronological manner

D double ii said...

I like the conclusion...simply said :)but so hard when U happen to be PART of the process!