Thursday, April 16, 2009

Me back on the blogosphere…

This has been a long sabbatical. First it was the fact that there was nothing interesting, exciting happening in life that I could blog about. I know I can’t complain about this as my life is no sci-fi where things would suddenly change beyond imagination, yet come’ on I expected some flutter!

Then there was so much happening at such a fast pace that I hardly had time to catch up with life… forget about blogging it!

Well that’s me… when things happen they happen at lightening speed otherwise it seems like ages before I turn a new leaf! Not that today I have turned a new leaf or something, I guess finally I had all the ingredients right. (read time). So this is just a gibberish post about me being back. I am so happy about this fact alone that I can’t think of adding anything of value here. Hopefully now I will be more regular and logical in my postings...