Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Never knew you would make such a difference in my life... Never can I explain what you mean to me... Just understand that you are really really special!

Now before anybody gets any ideas.... I am talking about my dear little sis... Surprised! Well, she is sweet and contradictory to popular beliefs where younger sisters are supposed to be a pain, mine isnt :P

A very studious , kind and funny person she is also very good at false pretenses... Looking at her nobody would believe that she can be the most naughtiest, craziest and stubburn when whims take over her!

It has been a fun ride with her along. A person with whom I can talk endlessly, discussing all my weird ideas. My alley in all the small things we planned to do, keeper of my secrets and my critic. A person who dreamt with me my dreams, who encouraged me to fulfill my dreams and someone who was right next to me while I was being scolded for the many things that I did ( the list of me being scolded and for what reasons is endless... so lets just keep it to this!)... Oh and how can I forget a crazy Harry Potter fan too!

I remember the rides that we had... first on my cycle and then on my bike, the spur of moment decisions to go visit bhel chowk, the last minute rush to book movie tickets, surprise gifts and chocholates I brought for her, and the sweet cards and gifts that she brought for me on my b'days ( usually would save her money for a long time to make sure she has enough to buy me something) or the funny waltz that we tried whenever we pleased!

This is a relation I will always cherish, with a special place in my heart! 'Thank U Dhru' for being what you are....


Unknown said...

Hey.. Dont agree with any belief that says that having a younger sister is bad. Mine is great!!! Lot of your experiences you have mentioned here are very much similar to mine!!! :-)