Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Some paradoxes worth pondering…

Was speaking with a very dear friend of mine. On the exterior, she has a great life – a perfect example of a thriving metro-woman. Beautiful, successful, handsome husband who is equally successful. They are one of the affluent families, with great social network… yet there was something missing. She yearns for a child of her own.

It hurts me to see her trying so desperately to fulfill her desire. She is not asking for too much- for maximum couples in India it’s just the next step after their wedding, yet its not so easy either. Endless treatments and doctors efforts have been futile. The couple is healthy and as per docs there are absolutely no problems for them to conceive, yet there is something not right. Some doctors have also said that it is their hectic lifestyle that is a major hindrance and some say it’s about too much stress and irregular habits.

I am no doctor and have no clue about the reasons, but she is my friend and an extremely good person, so it tears me to see her wish not being fulfilled. Their efforts have been tireless and the agony that she subjects herself too, as a part of treatment is just too much to bear. She doesn’t complain and her husband has also been extremely supportive all the while. She has also done all sorts of fasts etc that were told to her for a child and has also put a halt to her surging career to take a break and release herself from a hectic schedule.

Sometimes I feel like yelling out loud… telling her to stop all this, but then the hope that glistens in her eye every time when she is trying some treatment pulls me back.

Is coming to terms with ‘Adoption’ so difficult even today? I might not be the right person to say this, as I am not someone who is in the thick of this problem, yet it just bothers me that even the new emerging and progressive India that we are being ‘touted’ to be, cant come to terms with words like Adoption, girl child etc.

Children are even today, left at adoption centers doorsteps and the adoption centers are still struggling to find good homes for these children. Wonder when the stigma against adoptions be erased.

Are we too hypocratic or is it the fear that we might not be able to love the child as our own child? For now I just pray for my friend…..