Was reading excerpts from ‘Imagining India: Ideas for a new centaury’ by Nandan Nilekani, Co- chairman of Infosys. It left me with a feeling of optimism and belief.
When he says “I still think that after a long and convoluted path, after many a stumble and wrong turn, a different kind of moments seem to be upon us. For the first time, there is a sense of hope across the country, which I believe is universal. There is a momentum for change, evident in the enthusiasm of our younger legislators, the mushrooming of civil society organizations, and activists fighting in the courts for reforms in governance and for the protection of fundamental rights.”
I want this to be true … I want it to sustain and I want it to materialize on a larger scale. It is high time that we look beyond divisive politics, vote-bank accumulation based on caste and reservations. It is also time to stop shying away from our responsibilities and duty towards our country. It is our responsibility to vote, question the government for flouting duties, revolt against bribery and promote literacy on whatever scale that we can afford.
Ours is a young country, that’s capable of capitalizing its resources. Today we are seeing a rise in interest in various fields – complex science and technology to entrepreneurial ideas with low capital. More and more youngsters are dreaming big and achieving it. However, there remains disparate growth with problems galore – illiteracy, malnutrition, superstitions and poverty.
But like Nilekani I believe that we can overcome these- slowly but surely. What’s needed is an undeterred faith in this dream. Dream of seeing India as a self-sustained & progressive nation as a whole. As we usher the New Year… I look forward with this dream in my heart and belief in our capabilities.
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15 years ago
I fully agree with you. We can and we should. It is for us, the common folks, to take interest in governance of our nation. First step is to make our chosen representatives accountable. So with the officials. I know it is easier said than done. We all can not be Baba Amte or Sunder Lal Bahugana.
Take care
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