Monday, September 29, 2008

Stardom at a cost

I kind of stumbled upon Amitabh Bacchan’s blog today. Well I was searching some stuff for my research and I ended up finding Amitabh’s blog. Now that I was on it, I decided to read a little and move on… However the Grand Opera’s image at the start of the post caught my eye. It was a grand and opulent theater..

You might say, what else would you expect in Paris but this place had an old world charm attached to it which instantly transported you to the world of ballets & musicals. An era when the affluent rich with long silk gowns and hand-held glasses donned the audience section!

Well, coming back to the blog as I read through, Amitji described the theater and all well. He also mentioned about a bunch of ladies who were chattering non-stop with pointed figures towards him. Obviously they recognized him and could not stop boasting about their knowledge of him. These are obviously not Amitabh’s words and if he reads them I am sure he wouldn’t approve of it. He is just too gracious and sophisticated for this.

But reading that made me think. We as audience take star’s privacy for granted. I mean he is an old man working non-stop with a hectic schedule. If he decides to take a short break, enjoy some time to himself or even pursue a hobby or watch a play, ballet or musical like any normal person, who are we to pounce on him and rob him off even that?

I mean imagine you sitting in a theater watching a movie and having a good time with your wife/husband and two rows away there is a person who knows you. That person doesn’t just stop at giving you a pleasant smile and acknowledging glace or sharing a few pleasantries but starts chatting non-stop with others about what an amazing person you are and how good your friendship is etc… Frankly wouldn’t you be irritated?

I agree that these people are in the glamour industry and almost everything they do is news, but is it right on our part to actually rob them off their meager privacy and family time too? After all we are all entitled to our short breaks, vacations with family, pursuing an hobby, taking off and watching a play/ concert that we wanted to see to badly… Why should they be treated any different?


Gauri said...

People choose the public or private sphere to live in. I guess for those who choose the public domain its a trade off and something they quite enjoy. Perhaps if they didnt get all that attention they would genuinely miss it;)thats my guess ..these are CHOICES made and Choices we are happy living with :)

Neha said...

:) Well said... True its all about the choices we make!

I guess Indian stars are grateful that they don't have to deal with paparazzi yet and don't mind this trade off!